Yundri Akhyar


The learning method of Az-Zarnuji is monumentally stated in his work Ta’lim al-Muta’allim Thuruq al-Ta’allum. This book is recognized as a genius, monumental work and of great importance. In addition, this book has become a reference in scientific writing especially in the field of education. It has been used not only by Muslim scholars but also by orientalists and western writers. The learning methods in this book consist of thirteen sections whereby every point is of a great value because the learning methods being developed by Az-Zarnuji in that book is not only strategic but also ethical such as giving an emphasis on moral aspects to the students, the choice of science, teachers and friends, trust in God, being patient in difficulty, respecting teachers, books and others. These worthy points are not included in modern learning methods. The strategic learning methods has, of course, been relevant to the modern learning methods such as discussion (muzakarah), munazarah, mutharahah, managing time for studying and reviewing lessons and many others.


Education, Tarbiyah, Modern Learning Methods


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