The concept of qira’at al-sab’ah of Ibn Muj’ahid’s version was born in a condition where the difference in qira’at was expected to be a mercy for Muslims. In fact, it became a ‘chaos’ in Qur’an reading which prompted him to make a clarification by evaluating the history behind its presence selectively. Finally, it was found out that the history was made by seven qira’at leaders. He took an inventory on this in his work ‘Kitab al-Sab’ah fi al-Qira’ah which is more known as Qira’ah al-Sab’ah. This means that confusions should no longer happen towards qira’at Alqur’an. This book gives a lot of contribution to the development of qira’at itself. Ibn Muj’ahid, with his easily understood method, made a complete formulation so that the book entitled Al-Sab’ah and the concept of qira’at al-Sab’ah were kept integrated. Besides, from the point of view of maintaining Al-Qur’an, Ibn Muj’ahid continued what had been done by his predecessor who kept the originality of the Holy Book such as Abu Bakar al-Shiddiq, Umar ibn al-Khaththab, Zayd bin al-Harits, Utsman ibn ‘Affan and others. His success in formulating the concept of qira’at al-Sab’ah was finally agreed by ‘Jumhur Ulama’ (Muslim Scholars Organization) as qira’at Mutawatir.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v7i1.3783
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