The Basic Consept of Rabbanians : Man as the caliph of God on the earth are the central of change in performing His instructions. They are the ones who spread moral values to behave according to what has been set forth by God. In this respect, education is a means to achieve the target where men are the main actors (educators) for the sake of their lives in the world and in the Hereafter. So, by understanding basic knowledge, knowing every aspect, understanding the essence of creation and fulfilling every dimension of mankind seem to be a certainty before integrally doing other tasks in the form of something natural, human, and hermeneutic. It is for these reasons that this article reveals the conception of Al-Quran about men and God’s guidance towards human beings in order to enable them to become ones who have knowledge and who fear of their Lord where their activities are based on the values as desired by the Creator.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v5i2.3774
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