Muhammad Arrafie Abduh


The Nuance of Sufism in the Movement of ‘Ikhwan Al-Shafa’ and ‘Ikhwan Al-Muslimin’ : The life, doctrine, and events of those being in Sufism give a nuance and a meaningful contribution towards a conducive environment in the movement and development of economy, politics, sociology, culture, and arts such as the movement of Ikhwan Al-Shafa’ in 983 BC that was pioneered by Abu Hayyan al- Tauhidi and Ikhwan Al-Muslimin  in 1928 BC in the modern century and at the end of the second millennium pioneered by Hassan al-Banna. The spirit, according to Ikwan al-shfa is being prepared in the world  through a physical medium for the life in the Hereafter. The life in the world is no more than a place towards the Hereafter. In the world the soul is given an opportunity to achieve the real perfection to be permitted to regain the life on the sky. The body is only a place where the soul works, and when the spirit already leaves the body, the body will become a file of solid materials united with the soil. However, the body is needed by the soul like the woman’s vagina needed for the growth of a baby.


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