AGAMA DAN SOLIDARITAS SOSIAL: Pandangan Islam Terhadap Pemikiran Sosiologi Emile Durkheim

Kamirudin Kamirudin


Religion and Social Solidarity : How Islam views the social ideology of Emile Durkheim: This article discusses Emile Durkheim’s idea on the relationship between religion and social solidarity and then it is compared with how Islam views it. This study is merely based on social approach, not to discover which religion is correct or wrong (collective), but only to describes the impacts of religious teaching on social life empirically. This study is of great importance especially to understand Durkheim’s idea on the above issue which hopefully clarifies the relationship between religion and social solidarity. From Durkheim’s view it is obvious that religion is a projection of the experience of the community. Sanctity and community are united that have something in common and religion is a tool to symbolically express life totally. According to Durkheim, religion and the community are inseparable. According to him, the stronger the social solidarity of a community, the deeper their religious feeling about sacred matters will be, which goes together with the collective manifestation. In fact, Islam can increase the solidarity of Muslims because they do religious ritual activities (liturgis) together (jamaah) and they interact one another which later results in a strong solidarity among them.


Social Solidarity, religion, sosiology


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