The Government Policy on Foundations and the Existence of Private Religious Schools in Indonesia: The establishment of religious schools is the participation of the community in achieving the goal of the nation that is to develop the mentality people. Therefore, the government supports the establishment of foundations where the community are concerned with the education of people. So far, the support obtained is just in the form of non-material things because private religious schools are much dependent on the foundations under which they exist. The government support to the foundations that are developing very steadily can be seen from its policy through the Acts number 16 the year 2000 on Foundations. The impact felt by the community with the birth of this policy is that the legal status of the foundations is clear in the national constitutions so that they can run their programs smoothly. In addition, the role of the community, in this respect,, the builders of the foundations is limited so that the owners may not run them as they wishe. On the other hand, the impacts of the Acts on Foundations towards the religious schools which operate under their umbrellas are progression in various aspects. For example, the foundations are more proportional in giving the rights of the schools which have so far been dominated by the owners especially in financial matters. But one of the negative impacts of the Acts on the part of the owners of the foundations is that the owners do not manage the educational programs seriously which may affect the progress of the foundations.
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