KOMITE MADRASAH Sebuah Telaah atas Hakikat dan Perannya dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Madrasah

Muhmidayely Muhmidayely


Recently, madrasah as planned and systemized educational institution in its introduction is considered as less effective and mistarget. It is because of its introductive academic practices more prioritize achievement of cognitive domain, while affective and psychomotor domains are not touched well yet. Besides, it is also because of centralistic educational managerial aspect. In respect of such issues, internal restoration of madrasah may be held through two ways: instructional-academic and managerial academic. Madrasah committee as independent institution in educational system of madrasah is an institution that serves various needs required in educational process in order to be effective and efficient in holding its function and role as to grow the human resources quality that is core of social and national development.


Madrasah committee, community, and educational quality

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v4i1.3754


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