Pengaruh Pendidikan Agama Islam di Keluarga dan Lingkungan Sekolah terhadap Kedisiplinan Beribadah Siswa di SMA N 2 Palembayan

Syafrudin Syafrudin, Muhiddinur Kamal


This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of students and female students towards discipline in worship both in the family environment and in the school environment, there are still students and female students who do not participate in congregational dzuhur prayer activities at school, do not perform Dhuha prayers, do not perform prayers at home and are still inconsistent in carrying out worship. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Islamic religious education in the family and the effect of Islamic religious education in the school environment on the discipline of student worship at SMA N 2 Palembayan. This study uses a quantitative approach with the data source of students at SMAN 2 Palembayan with 181 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and data analysis using multiple linear regression. Researchers concluded that the results of testing B (coefficient) of 0.124 and the "t" test on hypothesis I amounted to 2.749 this means t count> t table of (2.749> 1.973) and the significance of t is less than 0.05 (0.007 <0.05) it can be concluded that there is a joint influence of Islamic religious education in the family and Islamic religious education in the school environment on the discipline of student worship at SMA N 2 Palembayan with a percentage of 43% while 57% is influenced by other factors outside the study.

Keywords: Discipline, Family, Islamic Religious Education, School Environment, Worship.

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