Islamic Education Model for Muslim Women's Clothing based on Hilkystuff Products to Revitalize Students' Dressing Style

Hilma Dani Situmorang, Arif Rahman


Muslim women's clothing styles among students are experiencing a shift in values that depart from sharia rules. This is made worse by the proliferation of Muslim women's fashion products that do not educate their customers, selling clothes that violate Sharia values. For this reason, the aim of this research is to determine the business opportunities for sharia fashion among FAI UAD students, their interpretation of the formulation of the Islamic fashion education model for sharia fashion based on Hilkystuff products, in order to revitalize the shift in the value of how students dress. The method in this research is qualitative, case study approach, with seven informants from FAI UAD students. The research results show that Islamic fashion business opportunities among students include aspects of comfort, functional flexibility, adapting to fashion trends, and maintaining Sharia values. His interpretation of the formulation of an Islamic education model for sharia clothing based on Hilkystuff products in revitalizing student clothing styles, includes designs that do not shape curves, adapt to teenagers' tastes, hijab covers the chest, makes it easier for breastfeeding mothers and women to perform ablution, design colors and motifs are not flashy, prices adjust according to needs, length and width of the robe, accepting custom according to sharia values.

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