Instilling Religious and Moral Values in Ethnoparenting, the Bue-bue Tradition of the Mandailing Batak Tribe and the Song Anakku Sazali from Malaysia
ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan serta nilai agama dan moral yang terkandung dalam etnoparenting tradisi Bue-bue Suku Batak Mandailing dan lagu Anakku Sazali Negeri Malaysia. Penelitian mnggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi, yakni membandingkan data-data hasil wawancara dari para ibu yang mendendangkan lagu Bue-bue dan Anakku Sazali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pelaksanaan etnoparenting atau pengasuhan anak melalui tradisi lagu Bue-bue dan lagu Anakku Sazali masih dilaksanakan dalam menidurkan anak. Pelaksanaan tradisi Bue-bue dan lagu Anakku Sazali diterapkan pada anak yang berusia di bawah tiga tahun. Selain sebagai sarana pengantar tidur anak, tradisi Bue-bue dan lagu Anakku Sazali berfungsi sebagai sarana menyampaikan harapan-harapan orang tua, memupuk kehalusan budi pekerti anak, dan menumbuhkan kasih sayang terhadap orang tua sehingga mampu menciptakan ikatan emosional antara orang tua dengan anak. Nilai agama dan moral yang terkandung dalam etnoparenting tradisi Bue-bue Suku Batak Mandailing dan lagu Anakku Sazali di Malaysia adalah nilai agama berupa nilai keimanan, nilai keridhaan, dan nilai kecintaan kepada Rasulullah saw sedangkan nilai moral berupa nilai kesabaran, nilai kasih sayang, dan nilai optimisme.
Kata Kunci: Nilai Agama dan Moral, Etnoparenting, Tradisi Bue-bue, Lagu Anakku Sazali
ABSTRACT. This research aimed at finding out the implementation, religious and moral values contained in ethnoparenting of Bue-bue tradition of Batak Mandailing Tribe in Mompang Jae Village, North Panyabungan District, Mandailing Natal Regency and Anakku Sazali song in Malaysia. Qualitative approach was used in this research with a phenomenological type. Observation, interview, and documentation were the techniques of collecting data. The analysis techniques were data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions or verification. The research findings showed that the implementation of ethnoparenting or child care based on ethnicity through Bue-bue tradition and Anakku Sazali song was still implemented when putting children to sleep. The implementation of Bue-bue tradition and Anakku Sazali song was applied to children under three years old. Besides, being a means of lulling children to sleep, Bue-bue tradition and Anakku Sazali song functioned as a means of conveying parents’ hopes, fostering refinement of children character, and fostering love for parents so that it could create an emotional bond between parents and children. The religious and moral values contained in ethnoparenting of Bue-bue tradition and Anakku Sazali song showed that the religious values were faith, pleasure, and love for the Messenger of Allah, while the moral values were patience, affection, and optimism.
Keyword: Religious and Moral Values, Ethnoparenting, Bue-bue Tradition,
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