Pengembangan Media Gogeo dalam Pengenalan Bentuk Geometri Anak
ABSTRAK. Pengenalan bentuk geometri dan pemikiran spasial sering diabaikan dalam pendidikan awal serta pengembangan profesional guru anak usia dini, karena dianggap tidak memiliki peran penting dalam praktik pendidikan matematika awal, selain itu, pembelajaran cenderung berfokus pada angka (numbering) sehingga geometri menjadi salah satu domain matematika paling sedikit dipahami oleh guru. Hal ini berimbas kepada penggunaan media yang digunakan guru baru terkesan seadanya dalam mengenalkan bentuk geometri pada anak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media GoGeo sebagai media pengenalan bentuk geometri bagi anak. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (R&D). Subjek dalam penelitian anak didik kelompok A TK Al-Barokah Tangerang yang berjumlah 12 orang. Kelayakan media GoGeo berdasarkan pada hasil penilaian oleh ahli materi, ahli media, kepala sekolah dan guru serta anak didik kelompok A sebagai subjek uji coba. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa angket, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media GoGeo melalui serangkaian uji coba dan validasi ahli dinyatakan layak, didukung oleh penilaian ahli materi, penilaian ahli media dengan kategori layak, penilaian kepala sekolah dan guru dengan kategori sangat layak. Uji coba one to one mendapatkan persentase skor 88,89% dan uji coba small group mendapatkan persentase skor 93,33% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak sehingga, terdapat peningkatan dalam kemampuan pengenalan geometri pada anak kelompok A di TK Al-Barokah Tangerang rata-rata persentase pada uji coba one to one sebesar 77,77% dan pada uji coba small group sebesar 86,15%.
Kata Kunci: GoGeo, Media, Geometri
ABSTRACT. The introduction of geometric shapes and spatial thinking is often overlooked in early education and in the professional development of early childhood teachers, because it is considered not to have an important role in the practice of early mathematics education, in addition, learning tends to focus on numbers (numbering). So that geometry is one of the domains of mathematics that is least understood by teachers. This has an impact on the use of media used by new teachers to seem modest in introducing geometric shapes to children. The research aims to develop GoGeo media as a medium for recognizing geometric shapes for children. This research uses development research (R&D). The subjects in this study were 12 students of group A TK Al-Barokah Tangerang, totaling 12 people. The feasibility of GoGeo media is based on the results of assessments by material experts, media experts, school principals and teachers and students of group A as trial subjects. Data were collected using instruments in the form of questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis used was qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that GoGeo media through a series of trials and expert validations was declared feasible. This is supported by the assessment of material experts, the assessment of media experts with a decent category, the assessment of principals and teachers in the very feasible category, the one to one trial getting a percentage score of 88.89% and the small group trial getting a percentage score of 93.33% including in the very decent category. Thus, there was an increase in the ability to recognize geometry in group A children at TK Al-Barokah Tangerang, after using GoGeo learning media with an average percentage in the one to one trial of 77.77% and in the small group trial of 86.15 %.
Keyword: Gogeo, Medium, Geomethry
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