Profile of Prospective Teachers Based on 3R Eco Lifestyle: Case Study of Biology Education Students at Riau Islamic University
Eco-lifestyle should be started from ourselves, participation is needed to support an environmentally friendly lifestyle. This research is intended to find out the 3R-based Eco-lifestyle Profile of Biology Education Students at Riau Islamic University Pekanbaru by employing survey methodology. The population consisted of 124 students of Biology Education Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Riau Islamic University Pekanbaru. The sampling process was carried out using a saturated sample method where the entire population was used as a sample. The instrument used is a closed questionnaire, containing questions that have been validated by material experts. The empirical test of the questionnaire obtained is carried out reliability test using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program. The reliability test uses the Alpha Cronbach technique with the SPSS 22 program. Distribution of the questionnaire to students is performed by utilizing Google form, containing 3 indicators of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle totaling 30 questions. By using a Likert scale, it was obtained three categories such as strongly agree, agree, and disagree where respondents are asked to give a checklist mark (√) to fill out the questionnaire. The data collection technique used a questionnaire, qualitative descriptive data analysis, and data on the results of respondents' answers using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program. The research data obtained a value of Reduce 77.32, Reuse 79.56, and Recycle 77.39 good categories. The average (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) obtained a value of 78.09 good category. It is concluded that the 3R-based Eco-lifestyle profile of Biology Education students at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Islamic University of Riau Pekanbaru is in the good category.
Keywords: Eco-lifestyle, Profile, 3R
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