Sentiment Analysis Of Cyberbullying On Twitter Using SentiStrength

Ulfa Khaira, Ragil Johanda, Pradita Eko Prasetyo Utomo, Tri Suratno


Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place across virtually every social media platform. Twitter is a form of social media that allows users to exchange information. Bullying has been a growing problem on Twitter over the past few years. Sentiment analysis is done to identify the element of bullying in a tweet. Sentiments are divided into 3 classes, namely Bullying, Non-Bullying and neutral. There are three steps to classify cyberbullying i.e. collection of data set, preprocessing data, and classification process. This research used sentiStrength, an algorithm which uses a lexicon based approach. This SentiStrength lexicon contains the weight of its sentiment strength. The assessment results from 454 tweets data obtained 161 tweet non-bullying (35.4%), 87 tweet neutral (19.1%), and 206 tweet bullying (45.4%). This research produces an accuracy value of 60.5%.


Cyberbullying; Sentiment analysis;SentiStrength; Twitter

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