Sentiment Analysis Using Twitter Data Regarding BPJS Cost Increase and Its Effect on Health Sector Stock Prices

Evita Dyah Wardhani, Satria Kurnia Areka, Arya Wahyu Nugroho, Ayufi Reyza Zakaria, Arya Damar Prakasa, Rani Nooraeni


News about the increase in BPJS that will increase 2x gives a variety of responses in the community. One of the social media that people use in responding is Twitter. This research is used to see people's sentiment on Twitter about BPJS tariff policies. In addition, the impact of this sentiment will also be seen on the price of health shares. The analysis used is descriptive analysis and inference analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to look at the general picture of community sentiment and inference analysis is used to see the impact of community sentiment on the price of health stocks, namely Indo Farma and Kimia Farma. The results of this study indicate that public sentiment towards rising BPJS is dominated by negative sentiment. And for the level of tendency that has been processed through binary logistic regression analysis shows that negative sentiment will make Kimia Farma shares will go down while positive sentiment will make Kimia Farma shares will go up. As for IndoFarma shares, positive and negative sentiments from IndoFarma shares will tend to fall.

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