Javanese Script Letter Detection Using Faster R-CNN

Muhammad Helmy Faishal, Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo, Aditya Firman Ihsan


The Javanese script is now rarely used, and some people no longer recognize it. The construction of a Javanese script recognition system based on digital image processing is one of its preservation efforts. This study proposes a model capable of detecting and recognizing Javanese characters using Faster R-CNN to help people who are not familiar with the Javanese script. Faster R-CNN was chosen because it does not require additional processing compared to the previous method and Faster R-CNN has better accuracy and the ability to detect small objects. Faster R-CNN shows good results in text detection, but the use of Faster R-CNN in detecting Javanese script has not been found which makes its performance unknown, so this study will show how Faster R-CNN performs in detecting Javanese script. In this study, Faster R-CNN was able to show good performance by obtaining mean average precision (mAP) values up to 0.8381, accuracy up to 96.31%, precision up to 96.53%, recall up to 96.38 %, and F1-Score up to 96.41%. These results indicate that Faster R-CNN has better results than the previous method and can detect Javanese characters well.


Detection; Faster R-CNN; Handwritten; Javanese Script; Text

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