Automatic Car Detection Using Haar Cascade Classifier and Convolutional Neural Network for Traffic Density Estimation

Miftahul Hasanah, Gulpi Qorik Oktagalu Pratamasunu, Ratri Enggar Pawening


Based on a survey released by the TomTom Traffic Index in 2018, Indonesia was ranked seventh in the category of the most congested country in the world. One of the factors affecting traffic congestion in Indonesia is an inflexible and conventional traffic management system. In this regard, it is necessary to have a better traffic management system such as a Smart Traffic Light. One way to implement a smart traffic light system is to make a vehicle detection and counting system on the traffic CCTV video automatically. The methods used in this research are Haar Cascade Classifiers and Convolutional Neural Network. Haar Cascade Classifiers have fast computation processes and CNN is applied to validate the detection results of the Haar Cascade method for better accuracy. The average level of accuracy achieved by the system on quiet test data is 82%, normal test data is 69%, and busy test data is 60%. Meanwhile, the average computation time needed by the system for the quiet test data is 0.63 seconds, the normal test data is 0.52 seconds, and the busy test data is 1.05 seconds.


Traffic Density Estimation; Haar Cascade; CNN

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