Jurnal Ushuluddin

Jurnal Ushuluddin Print ISSN 1412-0909 | Online ISSN 2407-8247 Ushuluddin Journal published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau in collaboration with Himpunan Peminat Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin (HIPIUS). Jurnal Ushuluddin  contains the results of research on keushuluddinan (Religious Studies), with a particular emphasis on the Indonesian context and global perspective. The main focus of the Ushuluddin Journal includes: Study of the Qur'an and Tafsir, Hadith, Akidah, Islamic Thought and Sufism.

Jurnal Ushuluddin is an open-access journal, published twice a year (June and December). Jurnal Ushuluddin has been indexed in Crossref, DOAJ, Sinta, Google Scholar, Moraref, ISJD, BASE, Academia.edu, Garuda, onesearch, Globethicsindexcopernicus, Dimensions

Journal Homepage Image

Journal titleJurnal Ushuluddin
SubjectReligious Studies
LanguageEnglish (preferred), Indonesia
ISSNPrint ISSN 1412-0909 | Online ISSN 2407-8247
FrequencyTwice a year (June and December)
DOIPrefix 10.24014
AcreditationSINTA 2 
PublisherFaculty of Ushuluddin Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau in collaboration with Himpunan Peminat Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin (HIPIUS)



Announcement For Author's and Reviewers


Announcement: for All Authors and Reviewers

Articles in the Ushuluddin Journal are managed by the new Editor in Chief, Mr. Dr. Jamaluddin from Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State Islamic University, Field of Expertise in Islamic Studies and for information can contact via whatsapp.

Ushuluddin Journal Manager invites academics, researchers, and enthusiasts of keushuluddinan studies to submit articles to the Ushuluddin Journal in the June 2024 edition. Guidelines for Article Writing can be seen in Author Guidlines and Submission. Thank you.

Contact:  Whatsapp (Direct Chat)

Posted: 2023-11-06 More...
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Vol 32, No 2 (2024): July - December

Author geographical coverage: Egypt and Indonesia

Table of Contents

Full Articles

Nadiatul Maziyyah Attarwiyah, Hamka Hasan, Imam Sujoko
Fathiyaturrahmah Fathiyaturrahmah, Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Taha Ramadan Ibrahim Zaghloul