Wahyudin Wahyudin


Malay term lately growth with the emergence of the term of Malay or natural world, as well as the Islamic word, especially those initiated by cultural experts and politicians from Melaka, Malaysia, and the association of Malaysia National Authors (Gapena) (Takari, 2007). According to Hall (1994), the meaning of Malay always point out to Malay archipelago which includes the islands of Southeast Asia. The term has also a meaning as Sumatra Malays and Malays Peninsula Land and other places that use Malay language. Malay is also always connected to the Malay archipelago which includes the islands of Southeast Asia interpreted based on different places and areas like Sumatra island. The Malays are usually associated with the people wholive in and around Palembang. In Borneo, Malay is associated with Muslim communities. While in Malaysia, Malay is associated with brownskinned individuals. The term of Malay derived from Sanskrit known as Malaya which is an area known as the land surrounded by ocean.


Islamic World and Malay World


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