Raihani Raihani


Successful School Leadership in Indonesia: Perspectives of the Principals: Principals exert considerable influence on schools, with the most opportunity and responsibility for exercising leadership that will enhance school outcomes. Research on successful schools invariably links the success with successful principal leadership. Yet, there are a few studies that have explored successful principal leadership in Asian contexts, a fewer still that do so within an Islamic culture. This article explores principals’ leadership in Indonesian successful secondary schools from the principals’ perspectives. Whilst confirming several common practices of successful school leadership from earlier research, the principals from the three successful schools inYogyakarta also demonstrated significant differences, particularly in terms of beliefs and values that underpinned the leadership. These values include Islamic and cultural beliefs and values which were strong and enduring, and articulated in the school leadership and strategies. The principals demonstrated ability in developing the school vision, setting strategies, building capacity, and establishing a broader network for the benefits of the school improvement.


School Leadership, Principals,


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