Amril Mansur


Implementation of the clarification of values in learning and the functionalization of Islamic ethics: Morality is inseparable from the development of human existence. Perhaps, it is not excessive to say that human existence is basically morality. Developing critical and dialogical thinking towards ideas and cultures beyond  the Islamic teaching in an effort to build ethical thinking and methodologies in its application in learning and developing students’ moral values in particular and moral education in general seems to be a necessity which cannot be neglected. This is because the product of thinking is normally produced for the interest and consumption of the community at large who have different cultures, ways of life, ambitions and beliefs. Also, an ideology comes up as a result of the idealistic desire of the thinking itself. The application of the clarification of values and the concept of Islamic ethics (which has, from the beginning, been based on ahkam al-syari’ah) has planted the moral values in the students’ minds in the form of moral behaviour, honesty, and intelligence, not in the form of knowledge of morality either verbal or mechanical.


value, Morality, learning


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