EKSISTENSI LEMBAGA HISBAH DALAM SEJARAH (Analisis Terhadap Peran Muhtasib dalam Perdagangan)

Akhmad Mujahidin


The Prophet Muhammad was the first muhtasib in the Muslim history. The first four caliphs of Islam carried out of functions of  muhtasib themselves. The provincial governors during this era acted as muhtasibs on behalf of the caliph. With the expansion of the jurisdiction  of the caliphate the office of the muhtasib also expanded and assumed and increased in sum of function. The institution  of hisba remained in existence during the entire Muslim period of history, though  it has been termed differently in various regions.


Hisbah, muhtasib and history

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/af.v4i2.3758


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