Evaluation Of Irrigation Area Maintenance Budget Priority Determination Using The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method
Determining the criteria for allocating maintenance funds is a problem in itself in maintaining irrigation areas apart from the problem of limited funds. Determining the allocation of funds based only on the level of damage without considering the characteristics of each irrigation area can lead to imbalances in the field. In the problem of determining priorities, decision makers are faced with several criteria in giving priority to maintenance budgets in irrigation areas, one of which is in Sragen Regency. One approach that is widely used to solve this problem is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The AHP analysis model can solve problems that combine quantitative and qualitative data. The aim of this research is to determine which irrigation areas have the highest priority for maintenance based on the criteria of level of urgency, productivity, area size, cost. The questionnaire method is used to obtain primary data through questionnaire data collection and literature study to obtain secondary data. There are 5 irrigation areas that are the object of research, namely: 1. Kedung Duren Winong Irrigation Area, 2. Kedung Song Irrigation Area, 3. Garut Irrigation Area, 4. Karanganom Irrigation Area, 5. Buduran Irrigation Area. The result is that the order of criteria that have the priority (level) that most influences the budget allocation for maintenance of irrigation areas is Urgency Level 46.6%, Planting Productivity 24.4%, Area Area 14.5%, Cost 14.5% and obtained the priority percentage for budget allocation maintenance of irrigation areas, namely the Buduran Irrigation Area at 23.7%, the Kedung Duren Winong Irrigation Area at 21.7%, the Kedung Song Irrigation Area at 20.6%, the Garut Irrigation Area at 19.5%, the Karanganom Irrigation Area at 14.4%.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/sitekin.v21i2.26365
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