Traffic Light Control Prototype Using PIR Motion and Microcontroller-Based Ultrasonic Sensors
Traffic lights at crossroads help regulate the flow of vehicles so they can run smoothly and avoid congestion. One of the causes of traffic congestion is a traffic control light system that is not optimal because it still uses a fixed timer system, so the lights' duration is less efficient in its application. When the green light is on, the streets are deserted. But there is a traffic jam on another road. Therefore the concept of traffic light timing needs to be developed to get efficient timing. This study aims to create a traffic light control system that uses a PIR (Passive Infrared) motion sensor and an ultrasonic sensor based on the Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller based on the congestion level. The method used in this traffic control prototype is an experimental method of reading vehicle objects mounted with PIR sensors and ultrasonic sensors. This system can detect the movement of vehicles approaching a traffic light, measure the distance between the car and the traffic light, and set the timing of the light signal according to the level of congestion detected. This system has been tested using vehicle movement simulations brought closer to the PIR and ultrasonic sensors at different distances. The test results show the system can work properly and produce the light signal according to the detected traffic conditions. For its application to traffic lights in the future, it is feasible to help the traffic unit.
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