Transformative Da'wah in Reislamization of the Baduy Dalam Tribe in the Banten Ciboleger Valley: A Critical Ethnographic Study

Ellys Lestari Pambayun, Ruhana Samaeng, Nurbaiti Nurbaiti, Topikurohman Topikurohman


This article explores the transformative da'wah activities of the Sosped Taklim Team Addhiyaul Mukhtar Jakarta in re-Islamizing the Baduy Dalam Tribe in Mualaf Village Ciboleger Banten. They have problems even though they have embraced Islam. They are still syncretic because of strongly their perspective, traditions, and spiritual ties with leaders and ancestors. This research uses critical ethnography that is observational, reflective, and emancipatory approaches to the Religious Expedition Team and the leaders of the Baduy Dalam converts in Kampung Mualaf Ciboleger Banten. The study finds that the transformative da'wah carried out by the Sosped Taklim Team Addhiyaul Mukhtar Jakarta  re-Islamizes the Baduy Dalam tribe through a transformative da'wah approach. During these 25 years, it has upheld the Islamic system in the Islamic  Baduy Dalam community and society. This study recommends that any party should not politicize the socio-economic and spiritual development of the Baduy Tribe.


da'wah; transformative; reislamization; critical ethnographic

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