MUSLIM DISCRIMINATION IN INDIA (Case Study: Community Response to the Ban on the Wear of the Hijab for Indian Muslim Women in Educational Environments)

Nabila Ima Mitha, Gonda Yumitro


Discrimination against Muslims often occurs in various countries, including India. Though India is a country that ranks third in the world's largest Muslim population. In addition, India is also one of the most unsafe countries for women. Recently, news was heard that there was a decision from an Indian court that prohibits Muslim women from wearing the jilbab while in an educational environment, this of course reaps the pros and cons of both the Indian Muslim population and the international Muslim community. In this article, the author discusses discrimination that occurs against Muslims in India, especially Muslim women, which often occurs in India by taking a case study of the Prohibition of the Use of Jilbab for Indian Muslim Women in Educational Environments. This topic is interesting to discuss because discrimination is something that continues to happen and creates inequality in society. To analyze this issue, the author uses qualitative methods sourced from journals, articles, social media. The aim of writing this study analysis is, to discover out the background, emergence of decision, what is role of  Indian government in this decision, and how the public responds to this issue.


Muslim; Indian; Jilbab; Discrimination; School

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