Surawan Surawan, Selly Nor Azijah


Education is the most important for a nation and a state's life. Because of that, education should be obtained by all people without exception. However, in its application, it is still found that there are differences in higher education opportunities in terms of gender. This research was conducted to describe the perception of the community in Petarikan 1 village about the importance of higher education for women and the factors that influence it. This research is qualitative, with the subject of the community of Petarikan 1 Village, Sukamara District, Sukamara Regency with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that as much as 15% of the community considers higher education for women very important, as much as 35% is important, as much as 40% is less important, and as much as 10% is not important. The factors that cause are the family environment and lack of awareness of the importance of education 39.8%, people's thinking that is still traditional 27.3%, and economic factors 32.8%.


Perception, Society, university lecture, Women

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