Application of the 5S Method to Minimize Waiting Waste at the Yanti Shop, Brebes Regency
This research aims to overcome the problem of waste waiting, especially long queues, faced by Toko Yanti, a grocery store in Brebes Regency, Central Java Province. The approach used is the application of the 5S method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke). The steps involve sorting items, improving layout, arranging items, designing storage areas, implementing work rules, and ongoing evaluation. Observations before implementation show ρ (utilization) is more than one, indicating queue buildup. After implementing 5S, the value of ρ (utilization) becomes less than one, which means there is no accumulation. The implementation of the 5S method succeeded in minimizing waste waiting and increasing service efficiency at Toko Yanti. This process shows an increase in service resources and a reduction in queues, which are important indicators of a store's operational efficiency. The results of this research can be used as a reference for similar businesses to increase productivity and customer satisfaction. Apart from that, the 5S approach can also help reduce queue build-up and increase service efficiency in various types of businesses.
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Jurnal Teknik Industri
P-ISSN 2460-898X | E-ISSN 2714-6235
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Industrial Engineering Department
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia
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