Rafly Jibran Mahendra, Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika


Family involvement in developing children's academic and behavioral abilities is an aspect that cannot be ignored in the process of character building. The family plays a central role in providing sustainable social care, which is an important foundation in shaping children's character. The influence of parents, especially mothers, has a great impact on adolescence, where they serve as models that influence the child's behavior and values. Ongoing guidance and education from parents is essential in strengthening children's social interactions, thus preparing them to adapt in complex social environments. Effective communication between parents and children is key in shaping children's character according to parental patterns, as well as providing a deep understanding of family norms and values. The family unit becomes the first bastion for adolescents who are vulnerable to various outside influences. Therefore, parents are responsible for conveying moral principles, integrity and religious beliefs through communication and daily actions, which directly affect the formation of the child's character.

Early character building plays an important role in shaping children's lifelong behavior and traits. This will have an impact on their daily habits and actions in the future. In addition to the role of family, new media also has a significant impact on adolescent self-development. The presence of information technology and social media provides broad access to a wide range of information and experiences, which can shape their perceptions and worldviews. When combined with positive family influences, new media can be a very effective tool in helping teens develop their potential and build strong characters. However, parental supervision and guidance remain key in directing healthy and responsible use of new media. In this digital era, parents need to ensure that adolescents are able to use technology wisely, so as to maintain the values and integrity taught in the family environment.


Familly Relationship, Parenting, New Media, Nampes Village.


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