Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Buah Sawit Pada Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri Untuk Mengurangi Kecacatan Produk Menggunakan Metode Statistik Quality Control (SQC)

Siti Rohima Siregar, Rizki Tiara Yuriska, Kuncara Ariadi, Ryanda Boma


Abstract -  This research aims to determine the mutual control of palm fruit products on Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri in October 2018-July 2019. Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri is a field company production business owned by Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri is the production of raw palm fruit. In this production sector, product failures often occur, such as decreased production of raw fruit. The object of this research is the amount of production as well as the number of defective products in palm fruit products. Data processing results shows that Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri remains within reasonable limits but corrective action is taken necessary to reduce product failure. Seen from the Pareto diagram shows that perforated weld line defects were 41%, more dominant in the type of damage product. Actions that need to be taken to reduce product failure are Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri needs to use statistical methods to be able to recognize disability categories as well as the factors that caused product failure to occur, apart from that Kelompok Tani GR 3 Mandiri necessary create a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) so that the production process is avoided error.



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Journal ICoPSS : Indonesian Council of Premier Statistical Science

Publisher: Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
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