Abstrak: Novel Baiat Cinta di Tanah Baduy di dalamnya memiliki cerita dan wawasan mengenai pengetahuan kebudayaan Suku Baduy yang kaya akan tradisi dan adat istiadat, yang penuh makna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) Adat Istiadat Suku Baduy dan (2) Tradisi masyarakat Suku Baduy dalam menjalankan kehidupannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan antropologi sastra. Pendekatan antropologi sastra dipilih karena karya sastra sangat erat kaitannya dengan kebudayaan yang terjadi di suatu masyarakat. Sumber data yang digunakan yaitu novel Baiat Cinta Di Tanah Baduy, sedangkan data dalam novel ini adalah cerita atau kutipan yang terdapat di dalam novel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan adat istiadat dan tradisi dalam novel Baiat Cinta Di Tanah Baduy karya Uten Sutendy, dengan data berupa kata atau kalimat yang dihasilkan dari objek penelitian untuk memperoleh sebuah informasi. Hasil penelitian ini berupa pertama adat istiadat Suku Baduy yang masih dipertahankan meliputi: Adat larangan penggunaan produk modern, Adat larangan bersekolah, Adat percintaan masyarakat baduy, Adat larangan menaiki kendaraan umum (transportasi), Adat larangan berobat ke dokter, dan Adat merusak lingkungan/alam. Kedua, tradisi masyarakat Suku Baduy yang masih dilakukan secara turun temurun berupa: Tradisi seba, Tradisi Pernikahan dan Tradisi kematian.
Kata Kunci: Antropologi Sastra, Adat Istiadat, Baiat Cinta, Tanah Baduy, Uten Sutendy
Abstract: The novel Baiat Cinta di Tanah Baduy contains stories and insights about the knowledge of Baduy culture which is rich in traditions and customs, which are full of meaning. This study aims to describe (1) the customs of the Baduy tribe and (2) the traditions of the Baduy people in carrying out their lives. This study uses a literary anthropological approach. The anthropological approach to literature was chosen because literary works are closely related to the culture that occurs in a society. The data source used is the novel Baiat Cinta Di Tanah Baduy, while the data in this novel are stories or quotes contained in the novel. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive method is used to describe customs and traditions in Uten Sutendy's novel Baiat Cinta Di Tanah Baduy, with data in the form of words or sentences generated from the object of research to obtain information. The results of this research are in the form of the first of the customs of the Baduy Tribe which are still maintained including: Customs prohibiting the use of modern products, Customs prohibiting schooling, Customs of love of the Baduy people, Customs prohibitions from riding public transportation (transportation), Customs prohibits medical visits to doctors, and Customs damage the environment / nature. Second, the traditions of the Baduy tribe that are still carried out from generation to generation include: Seba Tradition, Marriage Tradition and Death Tradition.
Keyword: Literary Anthropology, Traditions, The Pledge of Love, Baduy Land, Uten Sutendy
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