El-Riyasah : Is a journal that collects various writings from academics and practitioners from disciplines from the fields of Administration and Leadership. This journal has been published since 2011 and has received (online ISSN 2684-9674 I Print ISSN 2088-8112). This journal is present at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Riau and is published in June and December. The journal manager invites scientists, professionals, and researchers to publish the results of their research and studies. The manuscript will be published after going through a selection process by the editor and editing by the bestari partner. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian. Submission of manuscripts must be done by registering in advance via online submission. Template

Vol 15, No 2 (2024): Desember 2024
Table of Contents
Sitti Rahmah, Muhammad Riski
Rusliandy Rusliandy
Pivit Septiary Chandra, abdiana ilosa
Septiana Dwiputrianti, Rina Andriani Rangkuti, Arundina Dijah Retno Pratiwi, Siti Widharetno Mursalim
Raegen Harahap, Triana Putri Sitorus, Muammar Alkadafi