The Implementation of Internet of Things (IOT) for Aquaponic Cultivation
Aquaponic is a plant cultivation technique that is widely used by farmers and today’s communities due to its efficiency and ability to increase the agricultural productivity. The aquaponic cultivation in general still uses simple systems, such as manually feeding the fish by spreading the feed at predetermined times, monitoring water pH using a pH meter and monitoring water height or level through measurements, requiring farmers to spend time and special labor to care for and maintain plants and fish. Therefore, a solution is needed in the form of a system that can monitor and control plants and fish conditions automatically and continuously for 24 hours. The system should have the ability to control and monitor feeding activities, water pH, water and environmental temperature, water level and environmental humidity. The system in question is the internet of things (IoT) system that can be used as a tool for automatic control and monitoring through an application. The IoT system consists of several sensors that are connected to a microcontroller which can measure water pH, temperature, water level and environmental humidity. The data obtained by the sensor will be sent to a server via Wi-Fi protocol and stored in a database. The system is equipped with a web application that can be accessed through a computer device. The application provides a visual display of data: time, water pH, temperature, water level and environmental humidity, making it easier for farmers to monitor aquaponic conditions from a distance without having to come to the land. Through the implementation of IoT in aquaponic cultivation, farmers can increase efficiency and agricultural productivity by reducing the time, labor and costs required for control and monitoring.
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