This study aims to empirically prove the influence of the number of tourists, hotel room occupancy rates, and unemployment on economic growth in Indonesia. This research deliberately takes the population of tourists, hotel room occupancy rates, unemployment, and economic growth in Indonesia with annual data from 1991 to 2020 and uses a purposive sampling technique method. The analytical tool used in this research is multiple linear regression. The test results found that the variable number of tourists had a significant negative effect on the GDP variable in Indonesia. While the hotel room occupancy rate variable has a significant positive effect on the GDP variable in Indonesia. Furthermore, the unemployment variable has no effect on the GDP variable in Indonesia. Based on the test results, this study provides several implications both theoretically and practically. From a theoretical point of view, this study provides an overview of the level of contribution of the independent variables (number of tourists, hotel room occupancy rates, and unemployment) that affect the dependent variable (GDP). From a practical point of view, this research certainly provides an illustration of the extent to which government policy is involved in strengthening the influence of the variable number of tourists, hotel room occupancy rates, and unemployment on the GDP variable in Indonesia.
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