
Peanut  is  one important plant in Indonesia as source of protein. Productivity of peanut in Indonesia  is still low than USA, China and Argentina. We need to improve  our cultivation technic  and then increase it’s  productions. The aimed of this research was to find the best combination between NT45 organik fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer dosage for increasing growth and yield of  peanut. This research was done from August until December 2015. The research used 3 x 3factorialinCompletely Randomized Design with three replications. The first factor was NT45 organic fertilizer dosage consisted of three levels : 80, 160 and 240 g/plant. The second factor was SP36  fertilizer dosage consisted of three levels : 0, 50 and 100  kg/ha. The result showed that NT45 organic and phosphate fertilizers interacted each other affecting the growth and yield of peanut. Application of 160 g/plant NT45 organik fertilizer and  0 kg/ha SP36 fertilizer showed the best growth and yield of peanut. This indicates  that NT45 organic fertilizer could be used alone without addition of phospate fertilizer and it is increasing economical efficiency.


NT45 fertilizer; phospate; peanut

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