Evaluasi Kesesuaian Jalur Trayek BRT Trans Sidoarjo Terhadap Pengembangan Antar CBD

Suning Suning, Pungut Pungut


Sidoarjo Regency is one of the main economic growth in the East Java which has Central
Bussiness District (CBD) spreading over the region includes the Buduran District, Candi District and
Sidoarjo City District. As the main hub of Sidoarjo regional growth, Sidoarjo City has implemented the
concept of environment-friendly transportation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to connect the economic spots.
BRT has operating since 2015 on a certain bus routes through 14 stops with 15 Buses. Previous study
shows the road level of service that connects between urban economic spot in Sidoarjo have an average
value of the degree of saturation (DS) > 1, causing traffic jams, low speed and volume exceeds capacity.
The level of transportation services has affect the accessibility of the traffic lane between the CBD with
BRT passing through Jl. Raya Candi, Jl. Sunandar, Jl. Pahlawan, bypassing the CBD in the Buduran area.
Therefore, it is important to investigate the suitability of the route of BRT lane towards the development of
each CBD and its connectivity. This study aims to identify the problems of operational performance of
BRT, which has been implemented based on the bus routes by the city government. This empirical study
used both qualitative and quantitative method with data collection through surveys on bus and interviews
with bus passenger. This study used the comparative analysis of the empirical data with the standard of
Dirjen. of Land and Transportation No. 687 Yr 2002. The research finding shows that the public interest in
using BRT is low, which load factor only 43%, compared to a load factor based on the standard of Dirjen of
Land Transportation by 70%. Moreover, only 58% of BRT facility is in compliance with the minimum
standards of the Ministerial Regulation No. 27 Yr. 2015 on the BRT. Therefore, it needs to determine a
new policy with regard to the route of BRT lane Trans Sidoarjo in accordance with the development of
inter-CBD in the Sidoarjo City.
Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), bus route, CBD, Sidoarjo city, transportation

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