Pengaruh Fanatisme Korean Pop Terhadap Perilaku Imitasi Remaja

Dea Aulia, Miftahuddin Miftahuddin, Istiqomah Istiqomah, Muhammad Fahli Zatrahadi, Darmawati Darmawati


This research is motivated by one of the tasks of adolescent development, namely to find a model human who becomes their identity, the model human who becomes the identity of teenagers in this study is a k-pop idol, besides that at the psychosocial stage of adolescence, they are in the stage of identity search versus identity confusion, which from this stage, many teenagers fail in a process of forming self-identity which will cause teenagers to have fanaticism, this fanaticism arises as a result of the process of cultural interaction between individuals with one another, so that it will give birth to a new form of behavior, namely imitation behavior. The problem in this study is whether there is a significant influence between k-pop fanaticism on the behavior of teenagers in the purple army community in Pekanbaru. While the purpose of the study was to see if there was a significant influence between k-pop fanaticism on adolescent behavior. In obtaining the data in the study, the author uses quantitative research methods with a population of 57 people with data collection techniques using questionnaires and analyzed through simple linear regression.


Teen Fanaticism, Teen K-pop, Teen Imitation Behavior

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