Implementation of C4.5 Algorithm for Critical Land Prediction in Agricultural Cultivation Areas in Pemali Jratun Watershed

Deden Istiawan, Laelatul Khikmah


Watershed is a complex system that is built on physical systems, biological systems and human systems that are related to each other. Each component has a distinctive nature and its existence is related to other components so as to form a unified ecosystem. Land use that does not pay attention to the conservation requirements of land and water causes land degradation which ultimately results in critical land. The impact of critical land is not only the withdrawal of soil properties, but also results in a decrease in production functions. Prediction of the critical level of land is needed to reduce the level of damage to the watershed, so that it can be used for policy making by the relevant agencies. In this research C4.5 algorithm will be applied to predictions of critical land in agricultural cultivation areas using critical land parameters. Based on the results of the research on critical land classification of agricultural cultivation areas in the jratun pemali watershed it can be concluded that the C.45 algorithm can be implemented to predict critical land in agricultural cultivation areas with an accuracy rate of 92.47%.

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