The Application Of Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbour Methods for A Student Graduation Rate

Imam Ahmad, Heni Sulistiani, Hendrik Saputra


The absence of prediction system that can provide prediction analysis on the graduation rate of students becomes the reason for the research on the prediction of the level of graduation rate of students. Determining predictions of graduation rates of students in large numbers is not possible to do manually because it takes a long time. For that we need an algorithm that can categorize predictions of students' graduation rates in computing. The Fuzzy Method and KNN or K-Nearest Neighbor Methods are selected as the algorithm for the prediction process. In this study using 10 criteria as a material to predict students' graduation rate consisting of: NPM, Student Name, Semester 1 achievement index, Semester 2 achievement index, Semester 3 achievement index, Semester 4 achievement index, SPMB, origin SMA, Gender , and Study Period. Fuzzyfication process aims to change the value of the first semester achievement index until the fourth semester achievement index into three sets of fuzzy values are satisfactory, very satisfying, and cum laude. Make predictions to improve the quality of students and implement KNN method into prediction, where there are some attributes that have preprocess data so that obtained a value, and the value is compared with training data, so as to produce predictions of graduating students will be on time and graduating students will be late. This study produces a prediction of student pass rate and accuracy.

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