Machine Learning Approach for Early Diagnosis of Dyslexia Among Primary School Children: A Scoping Review and Model Development

Zaqi Kurniawan, Rizka Tiaharyadini


Dyslexia, a prevalent learning disorder among primary school children, often goes undetected until later stages, hindering academic progress and socio-emotional development. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective intervention. Machine Learning (ML) offers promise in developing accurate diagnostic tools. However, there's a scarcity of comprehensive reviews focusing on ML approaches for dyslexia diagnosis in this demographic. In this scoping review, we consolidate existing literature and present the development of a novel ML model that was customized for early dyslexia diagnosis. Utilizing Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, and Random Forest. The comparative analysis of ML methods for dyslexia detection in elementary school children reveals distinct strengths. Decision Tree shows robust precision: 92.31% for dyslexia-prone, 90.62% for diagnosed dyslexia, and 86.67% for no dyslexia detected, with corresponding high recall values of 90.57%, 87.88%, and 100%, respectively. KNN excels with an overall accuracy of 94.00% and perfect precision for undetected dyslexia (100%), with high precision and recall for dyslexia-prone and diagnosed dyslexia. Logistic Regression highlights significant predictors and achieves precision of 95.38% for dyslexia-prone and 88.24% for diagnosed dyslexia, with recall rates of 93.34% and 90.91%, respectively. Naive Bayes exhibits outstanding precision for no dyslexia and dyslexia-prone categories (100%), with slightly lower precision for diagnosed dyslexia (82.5%), but perfect recall for undetected and diagnosed dyslexia. Random Forest demonstrates balanced performance with precision ranging from 91.18% to 94.23% and recall from 92.31% to 93.94%, achieving an overall accuracy of 93.00%. These results underscore ML's potential in enabling early dyslexia detection, facilitating timely interventions to improve outcomes for affected children and advancing dyslexia diagnosis.


Dyslexia; Machine Learning; Early Diagnosis; Primary School Children; Scoping Review

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