Sentiment Analysis of Ampera Bridge as a National Tourism Destination

Mariana Purba, Yadi Yadi


Ampera Bridge is one of the leading tourism icons in Palembang which attracts thousands of visitors every year. This research aims to analyze visitors' opinions about the Ampera Bridge using opinion mining techniques in Google Review reviews. Research methods include collecting review data from Google Reviews, data preprocessing, sentiment analysis, and aspect analysis. The data collected includes 307 reviews taken in the period April 2024. These reviews were analyzed using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to classify sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral. The analysis results show that 83% of reviews have positive sentiment, 9% are negative, and 8% are neutral. The main aspects often discussed by visitors include the view and beauty of the bridge, historical and cultural value, accessibility and transportation, facilities and cleanliness, as well as tourist experiences and activities. Positive sentiments were mainly related to the beauty of the bridge's architecture and lighting, as well as its historical value. However, negative sentiment was mainly caused by cleanliness issues and traffic jams around the bridge. Based on these findings, several recommendations put forward include improving cleaning facilities, better traffic management, developing public facilities, and diversifying tourist activities. It is hoped that the implementation of these recommendations can improve the quality of the visitor experience and the attractiveness of the Ampera Bridge as a major tourist destination. This research provides valuable insights for tourism managers and local governments to improve the quality of services and facilities at the Ampera Bridge.


Ampera; Bridges; Google reviews; Sentiment analysis; Tourism

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