Comparison Analysis of HSV Method, CNN Algorithm, and SVM Algorithm in Detecting the Ripeness of Mangosteen Fruit Images
Mangosteen contains a substance known as Xanthone, a phytochemical compound with the distinctive red component in mangosteen that is known for its properties as an anticancer, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent. Additionally, Xanthone has the potential to strengthen the immune system, promote overall health, support mental well-being, maintain microbial balance in the body, and improve joint flexibility. The mangosteen fruit is consumable when it reaches maturity, displaying a dark purplish-black color. Besides the edible part of the fruit, the peel also possesses remarkable medicinal properties. To detect whether the fruit is ripe or not, this research employs image processing techniques. The study utilizes the HSV (Hue, Saturation, and value) color space method, CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) algorithm, and SVM (Support Vector Machine) algorithm. These methods and algorithms are chosen for their relatively high accuracy levels. The dataset used in this research is obtained from mangosteen datasets available on Kaggle. The results of this study indicate that the HSV method achieved an accuracy of 86.6%, SVM achieved an accuracy of 87%, and CNN achieved an accuracy of 91.25%. From the achieved accuracies, it is evident that the CNN algorithm yields higher accuracy compared to the others.
CNN; Detection; HSV; Mangosteen; SVM
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