Sentiment Analysis of Brand Ambassador Influence on Product Buyer Interest Using KNN and SVM
In the dynamic marketing, companies usually use strategies involving celebrities or influencers to promote their products or brands. The currently popular strategy is using Korean boy bands as brand ambassadors. This collaboration certainly gets a lot of opinion responses through tweets on X app social media. This research aims to analyze sentiment to determine how the product buyer's interest responds to brand suitability, brand image management, and the influence of issues that arise in this collaboration. The research stages consist of data collection, pre-processing, labeling, weighting, and classification with K-Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine and performance evaluation using a confusion matrix. The dataset used was 696 tweets taken using web scrapping techniques. This research uses the Lexicon-based method to divide the dataset into positive, negative, and neutral classes. The SVM method shows superior test results by achieving an accuracy rate of 83.34% compared to the KNN method, which produces an accuracy value of 71.2% in its calculations
Brand Ambassador Influence; K-Nearest Neighbor; Product Buyer Interest; Sentiment Analysis; Support Vector Machine
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