Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Method to Get Estimation of Fluid Depletion on Smart Infusion

Mira Permata Sari, Ahmad Taqwa, Ade Silvia Handayani


Technology plays an important role in improving healthcare, especially in the field of medical care, particularly in infusion. Infusions are essential in hospitals, requiring constant monitoring by healthcare professionals to ensure patient safety.  The system tracks the remaining infusion fluid and displays this data on the nurse's mobile device, enabling remote control of infusion levels in each patient room. The solution incorporates a load cell sensor to measure infusion weight and an optocoupler sensor to measure infusion drip speed. In addition, the solution uses a fuzzy logic control system to make decisions based on drip speed and infusion weight, estimating when the infusion will run out.Applying this automatic infusion drip monitoring device significantly improves the accuracy and reliability of infusion management, leading to substantial improvements in patient care and safety.In this test, the results can be seen that there is a difference between the weight weighed manually and the weight on the device. with the largest weight difference of 2.49%.


Infusion Implementation, Infusion Estimation, Fuzzy Logic, Smart Infusion.

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