Sentiment Analysis Motorku X Using Applications Naive Bayes Classifier Method

Akhmad Mustolih, Primandani Arsi, Pungkas Subarkah


The rapid development of technology has brought convenience to humans in their daily lives. The continuously evolving technology generates large amounts of data. Data can provide valuable information if processed effectively. The Motorku X application is one of the innovations created by Astra Motor to facilitate consumers or potential customers in servicing and purchasing motorcycles. The Motorku X application generates review data every day. These review data can be utilized for future application development. To make the most of the reviews, sentiment analysis is one of the techniques used to process the review data. Sentiment analysis is a method to measure consumer sentiments in terms of positive or negative reviews. The algorithm used in this research is the Naïve Bayes classifier. One of the advantages of Naïve Bayes is its ability to work quickly and efficiently in terms of computational time. The research consists of several stages: data collection, data labeling, pre-processing, data splitting, tf-idf weighting, implementation of Naïve Bayes classifier, and evaluation of the results. The data comprises 1000 reviews divided into two classes: positive class (number) and negative class (number). The research was conducted with three scenarios of training and testing data sharing: 90%:10%, 80%:20%, and 70%:30%. The best results were achieved with the 90%:10% ratio, with an accuracy of 76%, precision of 76%, and recall of 97%.


Analysis Sentiment; Naive Bayes Classifier; Motorku X; Data Mining

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