The Use of Large Databases for Diagnosing Human Diseases at Early Stage

Abdullah M. Al Al-Ansi, Vladimir Ryabtsev, Tatyana Utkina


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the ability of the Eidos intellectual system to recognize human diseases at an early stage by processing large databases containing signs of diseases. To study the signs of diseases, it is proposed to use an automated system-cognitive analysis implemented in the Eidos intellectual system. Automated system-cognitive analysis extracts information from large databases and forms knowledge from them that makes it possible to recognize human diseases. In the process of forming models, the amount of information is calculated in the value of the factor by which the modeling object will pass under its influence to a certain state corresponding to the class. This allows for comparable and correct processing of heterogeneous information about observations of the object of modeling, presented in different types of measuring scales and different units of measurement. The results of recognition of the following diseases were obtained with high reliability: chronic kidney disease, lung cancer, breast cancer, liver disease, risks of developing diabetes and stroke. The results of the study can be applied in medical institutions in many countries, since the Eidos system is freely available on the Internet.


Human diseases Large databases Intelligent System Eidos Repository Features

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