Fuzzy Tsukamoto-Based Detection of Ping of Death Attacks: Advancing Network Security with Precise Classification

Muhammad Adam Hawari, Wahyu Adi Prabowo, Rifki Adhitama


Internet services have the potential to be targeted by hackers using various DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack techniques, including the ping of death attack. This attack involves multiple machines launching simultaneous attacks on the database server and File Transfer Protocol (FTP), resulting in severe consequences for computer networks. To effectively classify such attacks, the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method is employed, which represents each IF-THEN rule as a Fuzzy set with a corresponding membership function. Fuzzy logic offers great flexibility, tolerance for imprecise data, and the ability to model highly complex and nonlinear functions. By implementing this classification technique, it becomes easier to differentiate and analyze network traffic captured by Wireshark, enabling the detection of ping of death attacks against the server with maximum accuracy through the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method in the classification process.


DDOS; Ping of Death; Fuzzy Tsukamoto; Classification

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24014/ijaidm.v6i2.23858


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