Association Between Spritual Intelligence, Social Support and Mental Health of University Student During Covid-19 Based on Dependency Degree and Ordinal Logistics Regression
The modeling of mental health has been widely studied using statistical approaches such as the chi-square test, regression analysis, and ordinal logistics. However, not many studies apply ordinal logistic regression and dependency degree into this domain, where both of these approaches are good statistical and non-statistical approaches for investigating categorical data. In this study, the researcher is interested in combining the dependency degree and ordinal logistic regression and identifying the mental health factors of students in the Covid-19 era. The research sample was students majoring in Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Study at UIN Suska Riau. The results indicated that a significant relationship between the informative support dimension to the disorder, the instrumental dimension to avoidance and increased self-awareness with an average dependency value between dimensions of 4.13% and 4.53%. Through this relationship, it can be seen that students are more likely to experience stress disorder (PTSD) if they are reluctant to do good than the number of awards received by students.
Covid-19; Dependency Degree; Mental Health; Ordinal Logistics Regression
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