Stock Price Prediction Using XCEEMDAN-Bidirectional LSTM -Spline
Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (Bidirectional LSTM) is a machine learning technique with the ability to capture data context by traversing backward data to forward data and vice versa. However, the characteristics of stock data with large fluctuations, high dimensions and non-linearity become a challenge in obtaining high stock price prediction accuracy values. The purpose of this study is to provide a solution to the problem of stock data characteristics with large fluctuations, high dimensions and non-linearity by combining the Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition With Adaptive Noise method for exogenous features (XCEEMDAN), Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Splines. The predicted data will go through normalization and preprocessing using XCEEMDAN then the XCEEMDAN decomposition results are divided into high and low frequency signals. The bidirectional LSTM handles high frequency signals and the Spline model handles low frequency signals. The test is carried out by comparing the proposed XCEEMDAN-Bidirectional LSTM-Spline model with the XCEEMDAN-LSTM-Spline model using the same parameters and changing the noise seed randomly 50 times. The test results show that the proposed model has the smallest RMSE average value of0.787213833 while model which is compared only has the smallest RMSE average value of 0.807393567.
XCEEMDAN;Exogenous Features;Bidirectional LSTM;Spline;Stock Price Prediction
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