Real-Time Detection of Face Masked & Face Shield Using YOLO Algorithm with Pre-Trained Model and Darknet

Muhamad Muhaimin, Wan Sen Tjong


There are new regulations requiring the use of masks or face shields to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Using deep learning, a model can be made to detect faces that use masks and face shields by training the model using the previous pre-trained model and using a custom dataset. The purpose of this study is to create a deep learning model that can detect faces with and without masks and as well as face shields for the prevention of covid-19 transmission using YOLO (You Only Look Once) with pre-trained models and custom datasets in real-time. In this study, using pre-trained models from YOLOv3, YOLOv3-Tiny, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-Tiny, and YOLOv4-Tiny-3l with Darknet Framework and compare between average pooling and max pooling in the convolutional neural network YOLO to detect face masks and face shields as a real-time. From experiment the highest mAP was obtained from YOLOv4 using average pooling with a value is 97.64% although the difference is not too much with YOLOv4 using max pooling with value 97.57% and the lowest was YOLOv3-Tiny using max pooling, which was 94.09%, and for the highest FPS was obtained by YOLOv4-Tiny with Fps values is 171 and mAP 96.75%. And for real-time detection of face masks and face shields, the best model used in testing using webcam 1080p is from YOLOv4-Tiny, because the FPS is quite good and the mAP is quite high.


YOLO;Deep Learning;Darknet;Max Pooling;Average Pooling

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