Character Development through Student Guidance and Counseling at School

Nur Hafiza, Firman Firman


Guidance and counseling is an integral part of the national education system, therefore the policies, objectives and implementation of guidance and counseling are also part of the policies and objectives and implementation of character education. Schools play an important role in shaping the character of a nation and the next generation. at school, students receive various educational information about character, which not only goes into the classroom, but also through teaching and counseling programs, which can strengthen character values such as openness, honesty, etc., and promote discipline. This also requires special strategies, including coercion. Hardworking, creative, independent, caring, responsible. This research methodology uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research. The research has shown that counseling and mentoring programs are developed through student needs analysis, so that the attending teacher or counselor makes the counseling and mentoring program feasible for student character development and provides appropriate services.

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